Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, August 5, 2013

13 Weeks

Goodbye first trimester! I am 13 weeks and officially into the second trimester, it is starting to feel like this pregnancy is passing quickly - in no time we will be holding this beautiful baby. As we've been counting down for the last few weeks, this week was our big 12 week ultrasound and it was so amazing to not only find out that baby is healthy and growing strong but also to see our beautiful baby moving around was better than I could have ever imagined. Dyl was able to be with me the whole ultrasound, instead of the usual agonizing wait outside while the tech does her measurements - I will definitely be looking to book with them again.

This week baby is the size of a peach, another of Mom and Dad's favorites and I am literally in shock every week seeing the growth that this little baby is making.

As we break into the second trimester babies begin to grow at different paces; some faster than others and some more slowly - although they all follow the same developmental path. Baby now has the ability to make sucking movements with the muscles of his/her mouth and it is just a matter of time before that little thumb of theirs finds it's way to their mouth (a lot of thumb suckers in our families, including Daddy - so I won't be surprised if this becomes a frequent habit). All of the organs in our baby's digestive system are now developing into their final shape which includes the stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines. Also baby's vocal cords are developing this week and although we can't hear any sounds yet we are looking forward to hearing this sweet little baby's cries come January/February.

So much happiness and relief after seeing our little baby, and finding out that he/she is healthy and growing properly. Still having a lot of nausea, although on a few days it seemed to come in waves instead of all day. After enjoying a craving of creamy mushroom soup I proceeded to throw it all up - a first for this pregnancy and it was miserable, although I briefly hoped that throwing up meant that the usual nausea would soon end (it hasn't) I am now terrified of it happening again and will definitely not be touching mushroom soup until this baby is in my arms. I have officially set up the body pillows in our bed to keep me sleeping on my side but still comfortable, I feel sort of like a hotdog. But I don't know if it is my uterus moving up, the better sleeping position or a combination of the two but I find I'm feeling less like I need to race to the bathroom middle of the night because I must pee and no big cramps from my too full bladder - I definitely cannot complain about that change. I have yet to wear maternity shirts, I've been long preparing my clothing to accommodate a baby belly but there have been a few shirts that I have had to officially retire because my little 13 week bump is already peaking out of the shirts and it is either bump or too much cleavage - neither of which I am okay with.

Belly is still measuring 36 inches

The look of absolute love and awe as Daddy got to see his little baby on the ultrasound.

Seeing our perfect little baby & saying goodbye to the first trimester!

Hopefully getting my energy back in the second trimester, haha.

xo, Anne

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