Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Project Nursery { Paint }

No posts last week and it's horrible! These last few weeks have felt like a long run of paint choices and painting and waiting for that horrible paint smell to disappear and then starting over again.

But all that to say we are done painting our sweet baby girl's nursery!

Let's start from the beginning, a couple months ago I brought home a stack of paint chips, my little pile of pink all seemed pretty close to each other. I spent a lot of time holding them up to the various walls in her room to get an idea of how the different lighting throughout the day would play into our final choice, slowly dwindling down our list. I knew I wanted something soft, something that would compliment the white furniture, something she can grow with. As the selection continued to drop I then compared the remaining pinks to the pink on the basket we bought for her room (the very first thing we bought for her nursery!) and Satin Sheets won.

Our chosen pink is from the Lowes Olympic line and I have always liked their no voc paint but at $30 a can, with how much primer and paint needed to go onto our new drywall we were looking at over $120 just on paint alone. Not to mention that the low and no voc is done to help the environment not to protect our bodies from the bad chemicals, I love the environment but if it wouldn't really protect us there wasn't a huge pull to go from low to no vocs. Especially when the switch to low voc cut the price nearly in half.

However to avoid color matching issues we still went with Lowes no voc paint in Satin Sheets, and planned to save on the not so specific ones (primer and white for example)

We tried out a recycled paint, Loop brand from Walmart, which boasts a low voc AND is friendly to the environment by keeping paint out of the landfills but after painting one coat I was sorely disappointed that the strong smell clung in the room and throughout our suite for days, actually it didn't go away until I painted over it and we ended up sleeping elsewhere because the odor was so strong. After that experience we ended up with another brand from Walmart called Home Trends which was still latex paint and claiming to be low voc we grabbed a pre-tinted can of white paint and went on our way. This was actually the same brand as the primer we used and it turned out well so I felt like I was taking a much smaller risk with this brand than the recycled one. Sure enough great coverage and although there was a slight odor having the window open and fan going quickly put and end to that.

Tomorrow I'll give a little sneak peak at our freshly painted nursery and how I did our accent wall without breaking my inner perfectionist :) 

xo, Anne

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