Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Not Pregnant (& the feelings that come with it)

As if my once regular cycles had magically returned, July 26th my period started. My mind ran wildly as I tried to control the mess of emotions that came along with it.

I was disappointed and frustrated, I felt like a failure. I felt so alone in my failing, with a few close family & friends announcing their pregnancies in the recent months I couldn't believe that we weren't pregnant. Why us? What did I do wrong now? It sucked and I was so angry with the whole situation – this should have been our month, I had read so many success stories from the first cycle on Clomid and even more from the first cycle after the HSG procedure – why not us?

But along with the disappointment came a sigh of relief, the onset of a very regular cycle meant I did ovulate, we just missed the right timing, hardly the be-all-end-all I was making it out to be. Regular, healthy, perfectly-fertile people struggle with getting the right timing – this was far from failing, this was normal. The fact that I ovulated was a triumph on its own, I know there are women who don't react to Clomid so I knew to recognize how lucky we were even though we hadn't conceived yet.

To help change my focus I decided to write out the benefits of not being pregnant this month, little things that wouldn't have mattered if we were but since we weren't, why not? I also fully intend to take advantage of not being pregnant and get in some time with my main squeeze (dr.pepper) how I've lusted after you, along with a few other things that I plan to avoid during pregnancy (deli-meat sandwiches and soft cheese, that means you!). It may seem silly but if it helps swap feeling like a failure out for a bit of happiness, I'll totally take a swing at it.

Tomorrow I meet with my obstetrician to discuss my blood work and come up with a plan.

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