Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, June 10, 2013

5 Weeks


I am 5 weeks pregnant and this week has been such an exciting one for us; I started to suspect I could be pregnant when I was mid Chinese food (which I love) and almost threw up, a few days later I took a test and it was positive - we have been absolutely overjoyed since. I had my first appointment with my OB the day after we got the positive, originally for Clomid but since we're pregnant it went a different route. He gave me a battery of blood work to do this week, scheduled an ultrasound in three weeks and booked my next appointment for July 2nd.

This week the baby is the size of an apple seed (approximately 0.13 of an inch and weighing 0.4 ounces). 

Already the baby (who is medically considered an embryo at this stage) has developed three very important layers that will become the heart and circulatory system, the lungs and other essential organs, and the brain and nervous system. It is hard to believe that at such an early stage, although the baby is growing very quickly, such valuable building blocks have already been made in our precious baby's development. The heart has started to form and will begin to beat rhythmically by the end of the week, although much too soon to hear on our doppler. His or her eyes, ears and skeleton have started to develop while little arm and leg buds have started to appear, and the placenta and umbilical cord have begun to function which will be supplying our precious little baby the essentials he or she needs.  

I am overjoyed and very anxious because of our history but already so in love with our little February baby. I've been experiencing a variety of symptoms this week; some cramping (which I know is normal, but I still worry), mood swings, feeling bloated, sore/tender chest, a little bit of heart burn, feeling tired through out the day but can't sleep through the night, my varicose veins have been acting up and my nausea (although no throwing up yet) has been worse than any of my previous pregnancies but I am so happy to have every symptom. Last week I started craving my prenatal vitamin (because we weren't ttc May, I didn't take them regularly, one of the few times in 3 years so I'm confident I have a good build up), I'm also craving chocolate milk nearly every day, had a random craving for orange juice and a homemade pizza during the week. As I have mentioned before, I nearly threw up over my Chinese food, that aside my nausea has been so bad that most food is just unappealing and a mixture of smells (for example, opening the pantry) is a guaranteed to induce nausea.

Belly is measuring at 34 inches (we're measuring at belly button, not hips or waist as I assume this will be the largest part of my growing belly).

Being so excited and overjoyed that we're pregnant and regularly resting his hands on my teeny-tiny belly - I'm sure little baby will know early on how much mommy and daddy love him/her.

Hugging Dyl in the bathroom when we found out together that the test was positive and we were pregnant!

Watching the weeks pass by, I love seeing the days count down even if we are still over 200 days away from meeting our baby.

xo, Anne.

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