Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The NT Screening (Part 2: the ultrasound)

While there was a lot of importance in this ultrasound, much like every expecting parent I assume, we were still very excited to see our little rainbow baby. My obstetrician's office booked me at a location I hadn't been at and of course I was a little nervous but after driving the hour? to Okotoks for two late pregnancy ultrasounds with our first I am not too picky about where we go as long as it is good (Okotoks by the way was a wonderful experience, two of my favorite ultrasounds with our sweet boy) and this location didn't disappoint either.
Typically fathers (or partners, support person ect.) are left waiting while the technician's go through measurements and focus on the important work that these ultrasounds are all about before getting that loved one from the waiting room and sometimes even before showing Mom much. This routine, while understandable, makes me very anxious and I know it affects my wonderful husband too, afterall we have had him come in to the dim ultrasound room to good news as well as devastating news. However at this practice he was invited in immediately, and I was so grateful that even if we were to get bad news that I would have him there with me and I wouldn't have to face it alone at all like I have so many times before. Luckily it wasn't bad news, for which we are so grateful and blessed, once the technician put the wand to my belly our little baby popped up on the large screen on the wall and we watched in absolute amazement of our beautiful little baby. He or she gave the tech a lot of trouble, moving around so much that she had to try multiple times to get the measurements she needed and our baby's heartbeat (she was only able to get that at the very end) a healthy 163 bpm. Our technician was wonderful, as she did her work she showed us our baby from head to toe and gave us so many detailed pictures of our little one. She showed us our baby literally pushing and kicking around, I can't wait to feel those same movements, and it was every sort of amazing that I had hoped for and more. I was beaming and we couldn't stop talking about our beautiful baby.
This location did the full assessment there, unlike others that send the information to your doctor, and met us in a private room to discuss the results. It was so great to walk out of that appointment not only with the visual reassurance that our baby was growing healthy and strong but also some pretty great reassurance that things are going just as they should.
We celebrated with a great lunch and spent the day (and every day since) looking in awe at the beautiful pictures we got to take home of our little rainbow baby.
We are so blessed.
xo, Anne.

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