Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Still no period, symptoms still going & my temps rising (today higher than any other). It's hard not to wonder if I'm one of those rare lucky women who wait days into a missed period before testing positive. I can't help but wonder & with my period still MIA I don't want to risk anything just in case. But this just in case business is driving me insane, if I am pregnant then I want to know but if I'm not why drag this on, why make me wonder about the possible little one.
I feel pregnant, sometimes barely but I honestly feel pregnant. Its making me crazy and I keep trying to hold down my hopes – this isn't the first time my period has gone haywire. Its just a matter of time before it shows up, hopefully sooner rather than later but who really knows anymore with my body.

Work is a giant, ugly tease. I'm a photographer, a family photographer and I know going to work means I'll be capturing some wonderful memories for these families. I love that about my job, I honestly do, but it gets really tough seeing all these families (or pregnant women, or small children ect.) & have to fight away my aching heart all while doing my job. What makes it a million times worse is when I have to deal with the type of parents that, to put it nicely, I don't agree with their “parenting”. Clearly I have no basis to put my ideas of parenting on, never having done so but a lot of things that I see in my studio (or at the front desk) I just can't agree with even when I'm so desperately trying to keep an open mind. Either way though, its hard.

Yesterday a mom, while her kid had a meltdown over our vacuum told me to never have kids. Yes, then she told her son, across my studio that he was making people not want to have kids – he was under three. I wanted so badly to tell her how much I've struggled, that for the last four years I've wanted what she so easily dismisses as a burden. It made my head spin, but instead I finished her order and sent her on her way. I absolutely couldn't believe it and while I know she has no idea who I am or how much I've struggled – heck to her I probably looked way too young to even be in the position that I am (people usually mistake me as a high school student) it shows how little people think before they speak.

I don't know anymore, at this point I'm just so tired of waiting.

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