Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, June 17, 2013

6 Weeks


I am 6 weeks pregnant, this week has been a long and for the most part worrisome week. When we were 5weeks1day I started experiencing some painful cramping which followed with (TMI WARNING) brown discharge. It wasn't dark, it wasn't red and it has only happened about once or twice a day. But with our history it didn't take much to make us worry that we might be loosing our baby, so by the second day we went to the hospital and spent 7+ hours in the emergency room. Ultrasound didn't show much (it was just too early) but did show a little gestational sac implanted in the right spot, and no reason for the discharge or cramping - everything looked perfectly fine. The hospital did a blood test for my hcg levels and sent us for a second one in two days to ensure my hormones were rising, a few days later I met with my obstetrician and he reviewed my blood work (which more than doubled from 7,000 to 15,000) which is a very good sign that our little baby is doing well. The cramping and discharge continued off and on for another few days (with a scare on Tuesday with some red-tinted discharge after being on my feet for more than an hour) but seems to have now disappeared all together, I am reminding myself that everything is okay and taking this as my body's way of telling me to slow down. I've been resting, putting my feet up and drinking a lot of water and that seems to have helped. We are going for an ultrasound in two weeks to confirm a heartbeat and good development but my obstetrician says to take it easy and stop worrying. Which is exactly what I have been doing since :) We also shared with our immediate family this week that I am pregnant, I feel very anxious sharing so early again but know that I need their support either way.

This week baby is the size of a pea, at 0.25 of an inch, and is growing quickly!

The beautiful eyes that I will spend the next 34 weeks day dreaming of have started to form as well as the ears and other facial features. What will eventually become our sweet little baby's back bone, ribs and back/side muscles have started to develop which begins as forty tiny blocks of tissue. As the arm and leg buds formed last week now little webbed hands and feet have begun to develop, our little baby now has a distinct head and body and will continue to grow into the baby we are looking forward to holding in our arms. The heart which developed last week is now pumping blood through our little baby's body, the neural tube is closed and important organs like the lungs, liver and kidneys are beginning to form this week.

I have been incredibly worried about our little baby and in light of the cramping and discharge I made sure to stay off my feet as much as I could, drink a lot of water and try to relax which I will keep doing. Aside from the cramping and discharge I have continued to have sore breasts, a ridiculous increase in my need to go pee and some lovely (TMI WARNING) constipation, which added to my cramping and thus added to my worry. This week I have been craving chocolate, which might be because we ran out of chocolate milk early on haha, but it has been ALL week. Although nothing specific seems to be setting off my nausea it is definitely getting stronger but only gets really bad when I'm hungry (which seems to be ALL the time?! if this keeps up I'm going to have my own orbit!) so I have been trying to eat healthy snacks; applesauce, fruits, granola bars and yogurt seem to be doing the trick. I feel like I am tired all the time but I'm not able to sleep through the night, oh the joys of pregnancy, but I will take each of the discomforts and inconveniences to get this precious little baby here. I'm not yet in maternity clothes but between the bloating and cramping I have started wearing my yoga pants or doing the hair-tie trick if I feel up to jeans more often and it's ridiculous I'm only 6 weeks!

Belly is measuring at 34.5 inches.

Taking the day off from work to go to the hospital and staying by my side the whole time to make sure baby and I were well. Being so incredibly comforting and supportive, and praying for our precious baby. He has been the biggest reason I have gotten through this week.

Calling from the car, in the drive way after work, asking if I wanted him to run to the store and pick up chocolate but I wanted him home right away (he took me to the store another evening).

Getting the results from my blood work, being told by hospital doctors, my obstetrician and my sweet husband to stop worrying - everything is okay :)

Taking pictures for my 7 week bump date and our ultrasound in two weeks!

xo, Anne.

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