Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, June 24, 2013

7 Weeks

I am 7 weeks pregnant and this has been another long and worrisome week for us. (TMI WARNING) That brown discharge seems to have come back and although the cramping is practically gone, I can't help but worry that something is wrong. It has slowed down and I am trying to relax and remind myself that everything is okay but I feel like I am just holding my breath for our ultrasound this upcoming week, I just want to see that this little baby is growing healthy and strong. I've been spending most of my time on family/husband ordered bed rest, while my ob says that everything seems as it should we all agree that it is better to be safe than sorry. I am halfway through the first trimester now and 12 weeks cannot come fast enough, who am I kidding 40 weeks can not come fast enough! I just want to be holding this baby already.

This week baby is the size of a blueberry, at 0.50 of an inch, and has doubled in size from the last week.

While teething won't happen until months after our baby is born, little tooth buds have started to form beneath the gums. Those little arms and legs that have been slowly growing are getting longer and are beginning to separate into soon-to-be toes and fingers. Major organs such as the pancreas and appendix are also developing this week and our baby's brain continues to become more complex. The umbilical cord, which connects our baby to the placenta, will begin to form by the end of this week and help bring vital essentials to our baby for the next 33 weeks. Our baby's sweet little face is becoming more defined and the eyes, which will remain closed until later in my pregnancy already have some color to them (something that was determined at conception) and we cannot wait to see those kaleidoscope eyes.

Another week where I have felt worried and anxious, I have continued on my unofficial family/husband ordered bed rest and just doing what I can to stay relaxed. My hormones are having a field day as my body adjusts, I am practically peeing every hour (but only getting up once at night) and can't even comprehend how bad this is going to get when this baby is big enough to be bouncing around in there. My nausea is horrendous, 24/7 and if I believed that throwing up would alleviate the nausea I would consider it, my nose is very sensitive and seems that anything will turn my stomach these days. Eating seems to help the nausea a tiny bit, but unlike last week I'm not hungry ALL the time so I'm really working to have small healthy little snacks when the nausea gets bad. Although the brown discharge seems to have returned it is lighter than the previous weeks and the cramping is minimal if at all, definitely still worries me but trying to take it as a reminder to slow down and relax. I've noticed this week some round-ligament pain that radiates along my hip and it is not pleasant, I am still bloated and I think it is ridiculous that I practically spend every day in yoga pants. I'm not ready to wear maternity clothes but I am definitely starting to consider buying a few belly bands to wear over my unbuttoned jeans so I can feel a bit more comfortable. 

Belly is measuring at 35 inches.

Another big week where he has been so unbelievably supportive and positive, praying for our sweet little baby and helping me get through my worries.

Spending time relaxing with my sweet husband.

Our ultrasound, oh I can't wait to see that this little baby is doing well.

xo, Anne

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