Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Post #100

This officially is blog post 100 so instead of rambling about my emotions (they are still pretty messy) or my cycle (it's still the same) I want to reflect on what getting to one hundred posts meant for my little blog.

I wrote my very first post on May 27th, 2011 minus one week and we are exactly two years since I pressed publish for the first time and I find this milestone along with the timing very entertaining because just like two years ago I am waiting to meet with my obstetrician in early June, however this time I am a little less anxious. I am also entertained with the fact that 105 weeks have passed since my first blog post, if I started writing weekly from the very beginning I would only have five more than I do now - I feel like I was writing far more sporadically than that. 

A lot has changed since that first post; I did get pregnant, breaking up the now 3+ years that we have been on this journey - sadly it ended in a miscarriage but to know that I can still get pregnant is a huge step when I had spent years up until then convinced that it may never happen for us again. My cycles are now (fingers crossed that it stays that way) regular again, and that is a huge relief to know that my body is working properly because what is even worse than a negative test or your period showing up when you were so sure you were is it not showing up but you're not pregnant either - to say that I am relieved is an understatement because I know how lucky I am for it to be regular right now. The blog has changed a bit too, I used to write randomly and mostly just to keep track of where we were in our crazy ttc journey but this year I wanted more and started writing weekly and including things that I would have censored before because "it could make someone uncomfortable" this year that went out the window and I have enjoyed being open and honest about my journey, I know I try to stay positive and hopeful but this whole ttc thing is hard and to be able to come to the blog and let it out has been a good thing for me. I've also reworked the look of the blog a bit, added a few useful pages (ttc abbreviations on the side bar, a break down of our ttc journey at the top and a good About Us page too) and I have so much more planned as we begin the next one hundred posts.

Giving myself a little pat on the back for making it to 100 and I hope that the next 100 (and beyond!) is only better than the last, and I have a feeling it will be!

xo, Anne.

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