Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, July 15, 2013

10 Weeks

In the double digits now, I'm 10 weeks pregnant and it has been a quiet but exciting week. Dyl and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on the 5th and kicked off the day by hearing our precious baby's heartbeat on our home doppler! A strong 186bpm and what a beautiful sound to hear :) It has definitely been a big reassurance to grab the doppler and listen to our baby's heartbeat, but I'm trying to slow down and use it every few days instead of daily.

This week baby is the size of a strawberry (common comparisons; prune or whatever a kumquat is - I measured out the strawberry instead).

Baby is now equipped with all of the internal organs, the heart being almost fully developed and he or she is getting ready to make some noise with the diaphragm emerging this week. Bones and cartilage are forming, and tiny indents on the legs are forming into knees and ankle. Baby's arms can flex already and growing stronger every day. Vital systems are functioning now as baby's stomach is producing digestive juices and the kidneys are producing large amounts of urine (while will eventually cycle through the amniotic fluid). If baby is a boy, he is already producing testosterone! 

A lot of reassurance from hearing that beautiful little heartbeat, I'm a little anxious as week 10 was when we discovered our missed miscarriage last year but I keep reminding myself that this pregnancy is different and that we know that baby's heart is still beating away. My nausea is still 24/7 but I'm finding my appetite coming back a little bit, still craving anything cheesy but also find myself turning to fruits a lot more - especially mandarin oranges. If I were to listen to a certain old wives tale, we are having a girl, because my skin is breaking out as if I were a teenager and my hair is dry and barely manageable this week. I was lucky enough to borrow some maternity pants from my SIL and it is nice to have pants that don't feel too tight around my belly and with my uterus now the size of a grapefruit I think I'm okay with it.

Belly is measuring at 36.5 inches.

Seeing the big smile on his face when we listen to our baby's heartbeat, how the moment we found it he immediately went to calculate the bpm and saying that he would listen to that on repeat.

Finding that beautiful heart beat on our doppler.

Our ultrasound in two weeks!

xo, Anne

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