Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, July 8, 2013

9 Weeks

I am 9 weeks pregnant and this week we met with my obstetrician (and a student of his) to review the ultrasound, he says that everything looked perfect and although he knows he can't tell me to stop worrying, that everything is okay. While I remain on unofficial family/hubby ordered bed rest, my ob assures that he has no reason to believe I need to be on pelvic rest but not to do anything that will add worry or stress (or that I may blame myself in the unfortunate event of a miscarriage). I had a two more days of the (TMI Warning) light brown discharge (it is slowly becoming less) but my ob assures that my ultrasound looked great and there is no reason to believe that my pregnancy is anything but healthy and normal. He told me to keep an eye on it as long as it was becoming less and not progressing, to assume everything is okay, if by my next appointment (at 13 weeks) it hasn't stopped completely he will do a cervix check to make sure everything is still closed and strong. We also were able to discuss my previous placental abruption and what his plans were as some doctors believe the likelihood of a repeat is small enough to not worry with an early induction. However, (thankfully for my sake and sanity) he wants to induce before the 40 week mark (my placental abruption happened at 40weeks1day) and it is such a huge relief to know that we have a plan. That also means, 30 weeks (or less) until we meet this baby!

This week baby is the size of a grape (or cherry, or olive), at 1 whole inch, and I can't believe that a month ago he or she was the size of a tiny apple seed.

Baby graduates from an embryo to a fetus this week and important organs like the kidneys, liver, brain and lungs are all beginning to function.Those kaleidoscope eyes I'll spend the next 30 weeks dreaming of are fully developed but will stay closed for a few more weeks. Although still too small to feel yet baby is making spontaneous movements now that tiny muscles are starting to form. By the end of this week the heart will be large enough and developed enough that a handheld doppler may be able to pick up the sound of baby's heart beating but if it can't be heard yet don't worry because baby may have his or her back turned to you or has hidden away in the uterus and the doppler will have trouble finding that beautiful sound.

Since my appointment and ultrasound I have been feeling a lot better, a lot more positive and optimistic that this pregnancy will be different - that we will bring home this baby. My "morning" sickness is still 24/7 and despite the fact that if I'm hungry it gets worse, my appetite just doesn't seem to be there like it was in the previous weeks. Although I am nauseous all day, I have yet to throw up - but it has come close a few times. I am still peeing all the time (only getting up once a night, for the most part), my chest is still sore and feeling heavier (I'm not looking forward to feeling this ache for the next 30 weeks and on as we breastfeed - but small price I suppose). Still wearing the yoga pants, but I'm planning to buy some belly bands in the coming weeks because even my yoga pants are starting to feel tight around my belly. Cravings haven't been too crazy; pancakes and goldfish crackers but the small snack things (like the goldfish crackers and arrow root cookies) seem to help my nausea a tiny bit which is good. No big aversions yet, but like I said before my nausea is non-stop so it is hard to tell when my nausea is brought on by something. Still making sure to rest and put my feet up, with the gorgeous weather we have been having it has been so hard to resist the mountain hikes that I have been daydreaming of since last winter (but again, and as always, small price).

Belly is measuring at 36 inches.

Being absolutely wonderful, supportive and reassuring.

Helping with my housework to keep me off my feet and relaxing with me even though he would probably rather be out and about.

Getting the reassurance from my ob that the ultrasound (& baby) looked great & having a plan for delivery.

Our next ultrasound at 12 weeks!

xo, Anne

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