Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, July 22, 2013

11 Weeks

I am 11 weeks pregnant, it has been a quiet week. Still have been making an effort to put my feet up and relax, but it is getting easier to feel confident about this pregnancy as the end of the first trimester quickly approaches. We also got the prenatal screening blood work done this week in preparation for our baby's big ultrasound/screening this upcoming week.

This week baby is the size of a lime, and I can't believe how big baby is already!

Baby is practicing swallowing and the very beginnings of a sense of smell is developing and when combined with their maturing taste buds, will provide our baby with their first experiences of taste and smell while he or she is growing in my belly. Our baby is also learning to explore their face and especially their mouth, with newly acquired voluntary muscle coordination in their limbs. This new behaviour is already preparing the nerves in their hands to new sensations as they're now able to touch and feel.
I've been feeling overall , with the reassurance of baby's heartbeat every other day. I had a little bit of anxiety as we passed the 10 week mark (which was when our last pregnancy ended) - even though logically I knew our baby has a strong heart beat and that this pregnancy is different than any of the others, but I still felt a little extra relieved getting through the week and being so blessed to still have this precious baby growing healthy and strong. As for symptoms; my "morning" sickness has been unbelievable this week, I'm constantly nauseous and can't find any real relief. I feel like I'm going to the bathroom more often (nearly twice a night now) and I have started feeling my uterus just under my belly button. Constipation still sucks and there have been some cramping, be it from the constipation or my uterus stretching and even though I know there are perfectly fine explanations for the cramping, I always worry a little extra. I'm still exhausted and paired with getting up throughout the night I'm definitely enjoying my morning naps right now. I've noticed this week that I have frequently had a stuffed nose or light nose bleeds, and that acne I complained about last week is still fighting for a spot on my face and making me crazy. Although I will take every one of these symptoms in exchange for having this precious baby, I am also looking forward to the second trimester and hopefully feeling a little more energetic. I've been craving sweets all week, anything from chocolate to yogurt and this week to my surprise I have found myself completely turned off from Chinese food - probably one of my strongest food aversions yet.

Belly is measuring at 36, I'm assuming the fluctuation from last week and this is due to the bloating going down & my uterus moving up.

Having Daddy just taking such good care of us has been such a blessing, from running out to pick up a craving of mine to spending time snuggled in bed just to keep me relaxing - we are so lucky to have such a supportive and loving Daddy.

Being able to hear that beautiful heart beat when we needed that extra reassurance.

Seeing our baby next week!

xo, Anne

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