Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, July 29, 2013

12 Weeks

I am 12 weeks pregnant and with officially less than 200 days until we meet this baby, I am feeling so excited as the days and weeks pass by. Tomorrow we have the big 12 week ultrasound which has me both excited and of course nervous - I just want to know that this precious baby is going to be healthy and strong. It has been an overall quiet week, still taking it easy and just being excited for the second trimester.

This week baby is the size of a plum, not a big size difference from last week but still exciting.

Although baby has been growing and developing at an unbelievable rate, baby's body is still far behind the astonishing growth of their brain - which continues to develop. Baby is now practicing "breathing" by inhaling and exhaling the amniotic fluid, this will prepare the lungs for breathing outside the womb. Despite how gross this may seem baby is now able to pee, which is completely sterile and harmless, into the amniotic fluid. As of now, all major organs are formed while most will continue to fine-tune and develop it is fascinating to think that a few months ago baby was one tiny ball of cells.

Definitely feeling excited to see our baby tomorrow and soon be out of the first trimester, I'm still wearing the maternity pants I'm borrowing and even managed to pull out some of my maternity clothes from my first pregnancy and it is so nice to feel comfortable in pants. I've noticed in the last week that my uterus feels higher, I can feel it just below my belly button - which has gotten a little bit shallow compared to pre-pregnancy. I've also experienced this strange sensation with my belly/uterus, although I know it isn't baby movement yet (but I CAN'T WAIT till it is) I will occasionally feel my uterus harden? tighten? - it is so hard to explain but I definitely notice it. I don't feel like it is any type of contraction, because I will literally just be sitting/laying and it will happen - I almost would liken it to when baby is much bigger and you feel a full movement/change of position. My all day nausea is still kicking around, although I am still craving sweets my focus has turned to fruits and yogurt - especially peaches, plums and peach yogurt YUM. I don't think I've had any real big aversions, I'm just literally nauseous all the time. I've had a few days of severe lower back/hip pain, very reminiscent of my first pregnancy where I spent everyday of those blissful 40 weeks with severe back/hip pain - I wonder if this means I will be carrying this baby low like their brother. My chest is still sore, my acne is still bad and I'm still having very interrupted sleep which I know is only going to get worse but like I've said so many times before - it is all worth it.

Belly is still measuring 36 inches. But I expect to see some changes as this first trimester bloating disappears and my uterus continues to move up.

Painting Momma's toe nails so I can feel pretty without inhaling nail polish & he did a good job :)

We picked up a book for the baby & oogled some cribs together.

Seeing our baby tomorrow!

xo, Anne

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