Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

About Us

Hello there, my name is Anne and that is my husband Dylan, we're both twenty-something years old who fell in love back in the beginning of high school & it's been a whirlwind since.

On October 29th, 2008 we welcomed our precious baby boy into the world who made us a family of three and parents to an angel. We lost our sweet boy to a placental abruption after forty weeks of an otherwise blissful and healthy pregnancy. We truly believe that families are forever and look forward to the day we are reunited with our little blonde angel, until then we know he is watching over us and his baby sister.

In time we found ourselves hoping and praying to bring another child into this world, the journey has been far from easy; from three and a half years of trying and a handful of failed rounds on fertility medication to two early losses that were so different from each other and the loss of our precious son but each still so devastating. Almost on the mark of our forth year trying we gave birth to our sweet miracle baby girl on January 30th 2014.

I've kept a journal since my first year in high school, yes around the same time I met my handsome husband and while I do from time to time continue to write in that one I thought it would be great if I had a little blog specific to our life after the loss of our precious son, our struggles trying to conceive and the ups and downs that most definitely accompany pregnancy after loss (even if we're over the moon to be pregnant with our beautiful little girl!). I'd love for this little blog to grow in so many ways; to be a way for our families to catch little updates about our pregnancy, that one day we could show this to our children in hopes that they can see that long before they were even born we had already loved them so very much - how we've prayed and wished for them. I'd love for this to become a place to remember our baby boy, to sort through the emotions and obstacles that come with being parents to an angel, to possibly help even just one person who may stumble upon this blog - that they may find comfort and peace while virtually sitting beside us. I enjoy writing, even if the basis of this blog is a little too much information.. at times, whatever comes of it is bonus.

xo, Anne.