Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Project Nursery { planning }

With how well our sweet Lilly is growing, it is very clear that the days of her sleeping in her bassinet are numbered and she will need to be transferred into her crib very soon. With that quickly approaching we're officially kicking off project nursery!

While we were trying to conceive and throughout our pregnancy I had a lot of time to day dream of our someday nursery and while there are a lot of things that stuck, there are a lot of things that have changed too. Especially with Lilly here, I've started to include things that she likes and I LOVE that because even though she's so young she has a say in her room! 

Here are the rough plans and ideas for our baby Lilly's nursery.

 All of our nursery furniture is white, which I love, and I think that our all white furniture will make a great base to add pops of soft pink and minty-teal through accessories, paint and what feels like a million sewing/DIY projects that I am hoping to pull off.

While the color combination is far from unique I am looking forward to finding ways to customize her room and like that you can't just go to the store and get the exact same nursery set (though there is nothing wrong with that, just isn't my thing)

I would like to include:
- an accent wall, more than likely with pink stripes, behind the crib.
- create extra seating that doubles as toy storage. 
- a gallery wall featuring things like; maternity photos, a shadow box, her little prints, newborn photos, ultrasounds, meaningful quotes, a pretty mirror ect. (but some of these things may find their place elsewhere)
- a TON of storage by using the bench/bookshelves for her toys and books, having a change table with shelves for storing bath/diaper changing supplies and maximizing both the closet space and the space under the crib for additional storage of clothing/diapers/ect.

I seriously can't wait to start putting things together and see our baby girl's nursery go from ideas and day dreams to ready for her to move into. 

xo, Anne.

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