Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog Structure

I feel sort of awkward writing this, I mean, how many people are reading this? But lately I've been thinking that I want more for this blog than the here-and-there posts about my currently empty uterus. Obviously my fertility, our losses and hopeful pregnancy were always the intended subjects but lately I have been thinking of ways to add more; I process a lot of things here but there is so much that still gets left out because it isn't the usual optimistic, hopeful-Anne that seems to hang around the blog and that isn't because I am trying to appear better than I am, it happens because by the time I sit down to write, my emotions have been blurted out, ugly-cried over and talked out with my husband. So the blog typically gets the best of the whole process and I don't think that is fair, heck I'd probably want to punch me if I stumbled upon this blog because infertility and loss aren't always this hope-filled experience, sometimes it really sucks and those emotions deserve just as much attention here because anyone struggling with these things knows all too well how much we mask behind smiles - this is my blog, I'm not at a dinner or an event, this is my private place that you are coming to so if it gets ugly... well at least I'm not doing this during a baby shower, kidding ;) but you're always welcome to click away.

So, I think it is about time we get a little more real here, I'm going to bring back a little 'Truth Is' that I had started doing last year, thinking of adding a few other things/possibly side-stepping away from pregnancy, and I am going to start writing without holding back (it's already started since our miscarriage, then there are things like Infertility Sucks and some of the upcoming posts I have sitting in queue that will not be the typical Anne) It's going to get very real, but if this blog does anything to help the loss/infertility community gain awareness that our struggles and pain are very real - then so be it.

xo, Anne.

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