Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, December 23, 2013

33 Weeks

I'm thirty-three weeks pregnant this week and can't believe how close we are getting now! We had an ultrasound this week with maternal fetal medicine and baby girl is looking great, she is weighing 4lbs 4oz now and has moved into the traditional breach position opposed to the frank breach position she was in at 31 weeks. We got to see her adorable little face and chubby little cheeks, we can't get over how cute she is and cannot wait to see her here. We are also so happy and relieved that the worries we had earlier in our pregnancy seem to either be a non-issue (as her two vessel umbilical cord isn't causing any problems with her growth, heart and kidneys) or have resolved over the weeks (as her echogenic bowels seem to be resolved). We are so blessed and thankful to the Lord for keeping our sweet little girl healthy and growing strong. This week Daddy officially booked off the three weeks leading up to our baby girl's birth and we are in the process of preparing for him to take his parental leave (since I don't work and we are so lucky to have such an opportunity). I just can't get over how close we are to having her here with us!

Baby girl is the size of a cantaloupe over these next few weeks; weighing anywhere between 4.2lbs - 5.7lbs and measuring from the top of her head to the tips of her toes anywhere from 17 inches to 18.5 inches.

Although her bones continue to harden, her skull is still not solid and the skull bones have not fused together. This is to allow her to pass through the birth canal with as small a head diameter as possible. Her brain is developing more distinct functions and is now capable of controlling breathing, temperature and digestive functions. This week her lungs are almost completely ready for breathing on their own.

I've been feeling emotional and anxious this week, between the horrible weather we've been having and the quickly approaching holidays which have been so different than what I'm used to - I've just been having a more emotional week. I love the holidays but this year with the reduced activity and getting ready for our baby girl it has been so hard to focus on the holidays, my mind is just so preoccupied with getting ready for our little girl, I am still enjoying it and I'll find ways to get my hands in it this year but I am already looking forward to next year and celebrating with her here! This week my teeth have been causing some problems, they are terribly sensitive and although bleeding gums are common during pregnancy (& one of the first symptoms that made me wonder what if? all those weeks ago) it seems to have picked up a fair bit more. I have been so sore this week, I'm definitely feeling the third trimester and just having my body so stretched - but it is completely worth it. I've also been experiencing restless leg syndrome, I have had varicose veins down my legs since 1 year postpartum with our son but since the very beginning of this pregnancy they have gotten worse and with that I would occasionally get restless leg syndrome but this week it has gotten terrible. This week I have been on a cheese whiz binge, it has been my go to snack on toast almost every day, that and bananas - which makes me giggle every time because my Mom when she was pregnant with me she craved bananas.

Measuring 46.5 inches

Daddy is such an amazing support, I have been so stressed out this last week and to have Daddy there to sort through my anxieties has been incredible - we're so lucky.

I may sound like the Grinch but I'm kind of looking forward to having the holidays behind us.

xo, Anne.

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