Thanks for stopping by! Here I wrote openly about my life as a mommy to our miracle daughter Lilly, the struggles we went through on this journey to parenthood, the loss of our precious son and pretty much anything else that comes up. Feel free to look around, leave a comment or two, put your feet up and get comfortable :)

xo, Anne.

Monday, April 27, 2015

5 Things I'd do Different

I may have had more time than some to day dream of the kind of mom I would one day become but like most parents there are a few things that I would like to do differently with our next child (really these are things that if I knew then what I know now I probably would have tried to do differently with Lilly too, but she's only one so I have plenty of time to work on the things I can implement now). Anyway here are my five!

1. Don't rush.
While I do believe I have and continue to soak up and enjoy every bit of my tiny baby girl I had a hard time not thinking of how things would be easier, simpler. "Once she has head control I won't worry so much about others holding her" "if she was able to walk I could put her down safely while I do laundry" ect. I was so filled with worry that I often looked forward to reaching a milestone that appeared to be the answer to my worries. Now that I have some experience under my belt those worries seem SO trivial and it makes me sad that I didn't spend that time enjoying more (If I could've fit in even more haha)

2. Worry less.
You hear it all the time "all moms worry" and it's true but paired with my anxiety once I exhausted the normal things my mind would stress over ridiculous things like ghosts and baby stealers (what?). I was, and sometimes still am, in a constant state of stress that SOMETHING bad is going to happen and it just takes away joy. So within the realm of realistic expectations, elimate what you can and ANNE CHOOSE TO WORRY LESS. 

3. Make it simple. 
I have a baby book, online journal, notepads on the desk AND cellphone, the monthly chalkboards for her first year, family year book, a calendar on my cellphone and in our home ect. Which made for a REALLY exhausting game of collecting all the information any time I would want to write something down. Pick one, maybe two and leave it at that. There is no need for stress over this (See number 2 above).

4. Breastfeed - with confidence & in comfort.
Before I was pregnant with our daughter I thought that I was going to exclusively pump, years ago I didn't even see breastfeeding as a priority. Anyway fastforward to now, 15 months breastfeeding  (though only at night now) and it is such a blessing that we were able to but I've also learnt a little over the months. I ordered a cheap nursing pillow and it does the job but a good supportive pillow would've been a nice splurge to keep a good position and help hold a sleeping baby.  Speaking of position, enforce a good latch - I let this slide with our daughter thinking I could handle the pain but I think it could've avoided issues with biting later on. If nothing else just to feel confident in my ability to nurse and my breastfeeding choices. Also cloth nursing pads, disposable didn't sound too bad until I was wearing them for over a year. 

5. Prep Early.
I am a holiday junkie, I love it all and have spent SO long thinking of the things we would do at Christmas or Easter, how her first birthday would go and what her first Halloween costume would be. But I'd let the weeks slip by, so sure that time wasn't flying by as quickly as it felt then the next thing I know it's a week before and I have barely started. This essentially boils down to eliminating stress (see number 2), these are realy important to me so they deserve more time even if that means starting a couple months ahead.

So here are mine, what are your five things you'd do differently? If you don't have children here yet, what are five thing you'd like to do as a parent?

See you Monday!
xo, Anne

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